Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I've seen the destruction of a tornado first hand on many occasions. In 1993 the City of Mena experienced its first tornado since the 1950's. At the time, many people in the area seemed devastated by the damage caused by the tornado. I have to admit that I was in awe of the way things were just tossed around, but in terms of actual destruction to structures, it was a minor tornado. The city park received the worst of the damage. In March of 1997, I lived part-time in the city of Arkadelphia where I was teaching school (I drove home to my family in Mena on weekends). On the 1st of March a tornado struck there that did a ton of damage. The path was clearly visible and parts of the town were unrecognizable. As a teacher, I had to deal with the intense emotions of the students in my classes.

None of this compares with what has occurred within the last week here in Mena. Although this tornado wasn't the largest, I am in total disbelief of the damage it caused. I guess the part that really hits me hardest is that I know the people that were affected. This tornado hit home. What people who don't know this area don't understand is that this is an older community. There isn't a neighborhood that isn't loaded with old oak and pine trees. These neighborhoods were pretty much stripped of those trees, and much of the damage caused to homes was caused by the falling trees. I'm not saying that homes weren't torn apart by the storm itself, but that the loss of trees is what makes the areas unrecognizable to me. The stories of the survivors are extreme. The stories of those who lost their lives and loved ones is sad.

One thing this tornado has done that may help others is that people from around this area weren't really prepared for, or worried about tornadoes. Many don't heed tornado warnings believing that it won't happen here. No more. I wish that this would serve as notice to everyone everywhere that it CAN happen, anywhere and at any time. Even though it most likely won't happen, precautions need to be taken. May it serve as a wake-up call to all.


  1. I still can't believe it either. Wow.

  2. It's always different when it is in your backyard, isn't it? I no longer live there but feel a sense of loss from the many pictures that I've seen!
